The CAA has today issued FPV UK with its new Article 16 Operational Authorisation.
This supersedes the previous joint Article 16 Operational Authorisation.
UAS13529 Article 16 Authorisation Issue 2
The new version of the FPV UK handbook (v1.1) to accompany this operational authorisation is also now available: FPV UK Handbook 2021 v1.1
In this version of the Article 16 Operational Authorisation we were able to have the CAA slightly improve the FPV separation distances (section 4.3 – from 150m, 50m, 30m to 50m, 30m, 30m) and we were also able to get them to change the definition of a model aircraft very slightly to say ‘The use of any automation, such as automatic flight modes which alter the position of the aircraft, places the operation outside the definition of a model aircraft’ in order to allow the use of modes like panorama, selfie mode, etc.
We also got the CAA to agree that flying with a motion controller, virtual control sticks, gesture control, etc are permissible – you don’t need physical control sticks. (We included a couple of questions related to these two points in the new FPV UK CofC: Drone Law questions and at first the CAA sector team rejected them as incorrect. Then, after persuading them to change the definition ever so slightly, those questions were allowed).
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