FPV UK Benefits

Fly Happy with our £5m public liability drone insurance cover & Article 16 Operational Authorisation

The Benefits

Drone insurance; our members are covered by £5 million public liability drone insurance cover. This insurance covers all drone flying (FPV or otherwise) at home or in Europe + Norway + Switzerland.

  • Just £24.99 per annum.
  • Every member is covered by £5m public liability insurance.
  • UK residents are covered anywhere in the UK + Channel Islands + Isle of Man + EU + Norway + Switzerland.
  • Non-UK residents are covered anywhere in the UK + Channel Islands + Isle of Man.
  • Commercial cover. Fly commercially (up to £15k turnover) with our 785/2004 compliant insurance.
  • Automatic renewal (which can be cancelled at any time in your account).
  • Instant membership with PDF certificate.
  • Optional plastic membership card.
  • Optional automatic registration / renewal with the CAA.
  • FPV UK members may fly under the Article 16 Operational Authorisation (Subject to accepting and complying with its terms).
  • Access to dronehub.co.uk, our user community.

Any unmanned aircraft up to 20 kg can be flown under our Article 16 Operational Authorisation, and is covered by our £5m public and products insurance. This includes radio controlled aeroplanes, helicopters, quadcopters / drones, gliders / sailplanes, etc. You can fly your aircraft using traditional line of sight view, or first person view (FPV).

Special Offers

Free DJI Care Refresh with any Fly More Combo from DJI Hasselblad

A2 CofC Course for only £49 inc VAT from Coptrz

35% off your first year Annual Subscription to Ordnance Survey Maps

50% off an A2 CofC course at UAV Academy. Total price £49 inc VAT.

A2 CofC Course for only £69 inc VAT from UAVHUB.com

15% off all lighting products at Flytron.com

20% off a two hour lesson at PhantomFlightSchool.

10% off training courses at IRED.

10% off your repair bill at Drone Doctor – the official UK DJI repair centre.

10% off membership at ARPAS.

10% off a training course at Coptrz.

10% off a training course, at heliguy™.

20% off HD360 Plans with AirData.

30% off your first FPV training session with Airtech Images.

20% off your first subscription after 14 day free trial with Dronedesk.

If your company can provide special offers for our growing membership then please get in touch here.

The Community

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Working With

Civil Aviation Authority
House of Lords
Department for Transport